1. Please tell us why you chose Askins Cremation Funeral Services.  (Please mark all that apply)
(  )  Previously served our family
(X)  Recommended by someone close to the family
(  )   Personally know the owner
(  )  Advertising (Please specify _______________________________________)
(  )  Internet/Website

2.  How would you describe the following aspects of this funeral home?
     A.  Location
      (X) Excellent
      (  ) Good
      (  ) Poor
      (  ) N/A

     B.  Reputation
       (X) Excellent
       (  ) Good
       (  ) Poor
       (  ) N/A

     C.  Professionalism, Attention to Detail, and Compassion of Funeral Director
(X) Excellent
       (  ) Good
       (  ) Poor
       (  ) N/A

3. With respect to your overall experience, the cost was...
 (  ) Less than expected
 (X) As expected
 (  ) More than expected

4.  Would you recommend this funeral home to others?
(X) Yes               (  ) No

5.  Please tell us more about your experience with Askins Cremation Funeral  Services  (Please use back of page if necessary) "Very helpful at a difficult time."

6. Do you give Askins Cremation Funeral Services permission to post this information to the business website to inform others of your experience? (X) Yes ( ) No